We know that you like being outdoors, enjoying the landscapes, the mountains and the sunlight, but you don’t like being completely disconnected when you move away from the urban center.

But what if that same sunlight that you enjoy could help you charge the battery of your Smartphone or any other device? That is already possible with portable solar panels.

Thanks to technology, using resources derived from renewable energy is simple and you do not have to wait for the future to take advantage of its benefits. Discover Here the Best Solar Panels!

 What are Portable Solar Panels?

Portable solar panels are devices designed to take advantage of solar energy in a precise way and achieve the electrical supply for small devices that can be connected directly.

Thanks to them, the small batteries and chargers of your most used electronic equipment can be powered.

 Why Buy One?

Your daily life is surrounded by devices that provide you with entertainment, information, and keep you in touch with your loved ones. All these equipment’s must be charged frequently due to their constant use.

When you leave the city to enjoy a good walk, when you go camping or when you travel, a valid alternative is to take portable solar panels to avoid the bad time of being disconnected from the world.

 How Do Portable Solar Panels Work?

You only have to place it in a place where sunlight can reach it, turn it on to enable it and connect the devices that will be charged with the sustainable energy generated.

In this way, portable solar panels keep your equipment running while protecting the environment.


  • By not depending on an electrical network, they promote considerable energy savings, since they only need the direct incidence of sunlight
  • Its charging speed is similar to what you achieve with a standard transformer
  • They do not require special maintenance apart from not getting it wet or exposing it to intense cold
  • Their possibilities are very wide because they allow you to recharge your devices in countless situations and places.
  • The prices are quite appropriate depending on their format, accessories and power, and despite looking higher compared to traditional chargers, they have great functionality and profitability
  • Although manufacturers offer a warranty that usually lasts two years, the transformer in portable solar panels can have a durability of up to 25 years


  • You will be using a renewable energy source and therefore you will be protecting the environment and your planet
  • Its use is very simple and comfortable
  • They are devices of high durability and energy saving
  • They are suitable for charging any type of electronic devices in those areas where you do not have access to power sources.
  • As they do not need special maintenance, they are a good alternative for outings to country places.
  • You will be able to do your favorite outdoor activities without the fear of being disconnected

 List of the Best Portable Solar Panels on the Market

 Solar Charger with 21W Panel

  • Its three solar panels can charge even on moderately cloudy days.
  • It has a high solar conversion activity that can reach up to 23.5%.
  • Its three-blade folding design can be conveniently folded.
  • The solar panels are protected by a PVC tarpaulin that prevents wear and is resistant to rain.
  • When going for a walk you can hang it in a tent or a caravan because it includes 4 strong metal washers.
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