Noob is a replica watch factory located in China. It is a world-famous factory as they make the replica of luxurious watches. They provide high-quality replica watches that are somehow exactly like the original one. They use fine materials to make the watch. The noob factory china watches are worth buying because they are made with perfection.

Nowadays, people are buying more replica watches because they want to be the center of attraction. The replicas watches can be identified by the people who wear the original luxurious watches. The noob factory is indulged in making the replica of luxurious watches. The factory tends to check the quality of the watches before delivering them to the customers.The quality checks include steel, which is used in the watch, its appearance, its features such as dial, needle, etc. Noob factory produces the replica of luxurious watches such as Rolex.

Payments for China Noob Watches

  • People can make payments through Bank Wire (US$, €, S$, etc.)
  • Bitcoin can be used to make payments easily.
  • Alipay
  • A person can attach their payment through Western Union to the bank account.

Warranty Policy

Noob factory provides a 6 month warranty to the people. Warranty is not provided to the person who opens the watch and tries to repair it. The warranty does not cover any water damage, scratches, missing stones, dents, and more. Warranty does not cover the damage done by personalmishandling.

Return and refund policy of noob factory

The return can be initiated within 24 hours after the delivery of the product. If the person finds that the watch is not in a good condition or some of its parts are missing, then they can return the product. The watch will be repaired in the Noob factory. The refund will be initiated in special circumstances. If the watch has some serious problems, then the return will be initiated, but the transaction fee will be deducted from it. Refunds can not be initiated on the free item. All the return items should be packed in the original packaging and the watch should be in the original condition.

The noob factory produces the best replica of luxurious watches. Their watches are made of high quality. They use the same materials sometimes which are used in the original watches. The weight of the watches is a bit the same as the original ones. They use the genuine parts in the watches to ensure the highest quality.

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